I showed an episode of Roadtrip Nation this week to undergraduates in my career development class including one of my favorites, the interview with Warren Brown, founder of CakeLove bakery in Washington, DC.  I first heard about him in Po Bronson’s book, What Should I Do With My Life? Brown was a dissatisfied public interest lawyer when he was carrying home a cake he had baked on a plate at the airport. As strangers came up to him responding warmly to the cake, he realized that baking cakes could be his path to fulfillment. On the clip he talks about researching the business in a way he never researched his law career. (So glad someone else said this other than me to my students.) He also talks about “staying hungry” every day of your life with your work.

Watching this clip is perfect inspiration for the workshop LYJ is launching on October 25th for women attorneys contemplating a change. We’re going to be collecting other inspiring stories of lawyers who transitioned to careers within or outside the law. If you have any, do send them along.