Much earlier on the LYJ blog, I wrote about doing one thing a day toward your career and job search. I went on to develop a handout to use in my classes since many people get overwhelmed by the enormity of a job search and need ideas on where to get started. Breaking the process down into one small action at a time can help move you forward effortlessly.

Here are 30 items from that handout. Print these out and make them your own. Choose seven items on the list below and accomplish them this week. More than seven is great but not necessary. Even on your busiest day or a weekend, choose to take one action. Congratulate yourself for each small step! It truly is the small steps that will start to lead to big positive changes.

1. Contact Person #1 you’ve been meaning to get in touch with.
2. Contact Person #2 you’ve been meaning to get in touch with.
3. Update a past boss on what you’ve been up to and where you’re looking to go.
4. Email one of your mentors and ask to meet for coffee.
5. Sign up for a job website to have job emails delivered to your inbox.
6. Research professional associations in the area you’d like to be working in.
7. Join a professional association.
8. Contact someone in a professional association you’re already in.
9. For women, join Step Up Women’s Network, sign up for their email list, or join a similar organization’s list.
10. Attend a networking event.
11. Sign up for a networking event that is two weeks from now.
12. Clear a pile of papers off your desk to free up mental/physical space.
13. Subscribe to a magazine related to your field of choice.
14. Linked In: Join if not already on. Create a simple profile.
15. Linked In: Add 5 people to your Linked In network.
16. Linked In: Update your profile adding details related to the job you want not the one you have.
17. Linked In: Punch in 3 dream jobs and see who in your network knows someone there. Contact the person you know best and ask to be put in touch.
18. Sign up on a Linked In Group for the field you want to be in; sign up for the next LinkedIn Jobseekers Webinar.
19. Facebook: Clean up your profile to make sure it is professional-friendly.
20. Facebook: Add 3 professional contacts as friends as appropriate.
21. Compose an email to a minimum of 15 people asking them to be on the look-out for job opps for you. (Please see LYJ sample email first before doing this.)
22. Follow up with someone you met a few months ago to let them know your progress.
23. Spend 15 minutes journaling about your dream job.
24. Order a book from the library or online related to your career field of choice.
25. Research listservs related to your career area (by asking friends or contacts already in the field) and add yourself to 1 or 2 lists.
26. Watch 3 videos on of successful people in your area of interest.
27. Tape inspirational quotes from successful people such as the ones on Roadtrip Nation above your desk.
28. Find one small way to “act as if” with the job you want – Example, tell a stranger or acquaintance this is what you do regardless of if you’re doing it yet.
29. Buy (sparkly, sophisticated) notebook to organize your job search and stock up on resume paper.
30. Repair a button on your interviewing suit so that you are ready to meet about a job prospect at a moment’s notice.

Add additional one thing/day items here that would most of most value to now.